I'm so excited to announce that I am finally a published author. While I have numerous fictional short stories on various sites around the web, Sundown Syndrome is my first book on Amazon.com. Sundown Syndrome was written as a result of my stint as a caregiver to my elderly father and my sister's eight years as a caregiver to our mother.
We noticed for a period of time that Mom would get agitated late in the day and several times left the house as if she were searching for something or someone. Both of these behaviors are associated with Sundown Syndrome that is closely tied to dementia.
Mom had TIA dementia and Dad has recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
This book was written so that others who are caring for their family aging parents or are at least seeing these symptoms will understand what is happening.
As of this post, Sundown Syndrome is only available on Amazon.com. There are further books in the Caring for Aging Parents series coming very soon.
You can also join us at my website Elder Care Cafe for further information about caring for the elderly.
We welcome your comments and questions regarding our book(s) and caring for aging parents. Hope to hear from you soon.