Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Second Savior

Just as Kinks, a Crip drug kingpin, exits a local convenience store, he is apprehended by LAPD homicide detectives Rick Dover and Falcon. Suddenly, a drive-by staged by a rival gang, the Bloods, leaves one dead and several wounded. Dover's life is saved by one of the carpenters who took three bullets in the back.

Before the detectives can figure out who the carpenter is, he walks out of the hospital and disappears. As Kinks lies near death, Dover and Falcon continue their search for those responsible for the shootings.

When their key witness, Kinks, is boldly assassinated in his hospital room before they can interview him, the detectives are stunned.

Eventually they locate the missing witness and he agrees to help them out and the pieces start to fall in place. However, before they can put the case to rest everything goes awry during a climatic shoot-out. The witness again mysteriously disappears leaving behind two surprised detectives.

Author Mark Bouton is a former FBI agent whose years of experience bring much to the story. The Second Savior is a true page-turner that stays on pace throughout. The well-developed rapport between Dover and Falcon shows Bouton’s love towards his characters.

He allows the reader to understand the motives of those on both sides of the law, no matter how vile the characters may be. It is obvious the author took the time to get to know his characters and understand their motives. Even the bad guys have a depth not usually seen in this type of novel.

Because the story is set in LA, Bouton takes the opportunity to insert a touch of humor by allowing the detectives to drop the names of the rich and famous with abandon throughout the book.

The Second Savior is a worthy follow-up to Cracks in the Rainbow. Here’s hoping for more stories starring the homicide detective duo, Dover and Falcon.

You can purchase The Second Savior at

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