Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Best of the Best Bloggers

There are some wonderful blogging sites on the internet. So many topics, so much to read, so little time. I would love to read the best of the best, if not daily, than at least weekly. Unfortunately, I find I run out of time by the end of the week.

One very good blog to follow is ProBlogger. Darren Rowse developed this blog to help other bloggers add income streams to their blogs. He always has great tips and goes deeply into the blogosphere to garner news and information.

Another blog that has meant a lot to me is Entrepreneurs-Journey which was developed by Yaro Starak. I am in the process of taking his BlogMastermind course and really tons about setting up a profitable website.

Yaro is a great guy and excellent teacher. His instructions are clear and to the point, he doesn't beat around the bush or present shallow information like some do, and you know when the course is finished, he has given his best.

There are many other bloggers who are great at what they do. Just wanted to offer up a couple of the very best, in my humble opinion.

Do you agree or disagree? Who would you add to the list of great bloggers? What makes them stand out?

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