Sunday, November 30, 2008

NaNoWriMo Results - Sometimes We Just Need to Let Go

Last year I was an excited winner of the 2007 NaNoWriMo novel writing month. I have a novel that I am proud of, but as I haven't spent much time on revisions, it will be a while before I submit the manuscript. This year I had hopes of accomplishing that feat once more, but knew in my heart early on that I had other priorities and might not be able to complete another novel at this time.

I spent much of this month writing blog posts for my websites and articles for the two article sites where I am now an author/publisher. As I am preparing to start writing for a third site, writing is keeping me pretty busy.

As disappointing as this is, I know in my heart I sometimes need to let go of the high expectations I have for myself. My mind and my dreams sometimes succumb to reality.

Have you ever had a writing dream you had to let go of? Will you ever pick it up and run with it? How do you feel about letting go?

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